Rescue Rift
Embark on a heart-pounding mission in "Rescue Rift," an intense and immersive action-adventure game that challenges your tactical skills and courage.
As an elite operative of an undercover rescue team, you find yourself thrust into the depths of danger as you attempt to save hostages who have been kidnapped and confined within the eerie confines of an old, abandoned hospital.
Tuesday March 05 2024
Rescue Rift was developed by Instant Games Studio
Use the left mouse button to play the game.
Embark on a heart-pounding mission in "Rescue Rift," an intense and immersive action-adventure game that challenges your tactical skills and courage.
As an elite operative of an undercover rescue team, you find yourself thrust into the depths of danger as you attempt to save hostages who have been kidnapped and confined within the eerie confines of an old, abandoned hospital.
Tuesday March 05 2024
Rescue Rift was developed by Instant Games Studio
Use the left mouse button to play the game.