Street Food Inc
Become a restaurant tycoon and fulfill your dream of managing a successful restaurant with the exhilarating Restaurant Simulator! Earn money, level up, and construct the world's largest restaurant business. Expand your restaurants, optimize your operations, and devise strategies to maximize your income. In Street Food Inc. aim to become the ultimate Restaurant Millionaire globally!
Thursday August 03 2023
Street Food Inc was developed by Devshifu Studio
Use the left mouse button to play the game.
Become a restaurant tycoon and fulfill your dream of managing a successful restaurant with the exhilarating Restaurant Simulator! Earn money, level up, and construct the world's largest restaurant business. Expand your restaurants, optimize your operations, and devise strategies to maximize your income. In Street Food Inc. aim to become the ultimate Restaurant Millionaire globally!
Thursday August 03 2023
Street Food Inc was developed by Devshifu Studio
Use the left mouse button to play the game.